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November 11, 2005

More AJC non-coverage

Almost as soon as I wrote the previous post, I checked Creative Loafing and found this article about the AJC bowing out of issuing endorsements in the Atlanta races this year. I didn't know they had made that decision, but I suspected as much searching the site trying to find their picks in the local races.

I think endorsements in down ballot races are pretty important and helpful. Even if you don't want to do whatever the paper tells you, which most folks don't, you still know the general bias or agenda of a paper's editorial board and you can kind of tell why they're supporting one candidate or the other. If you agree with the paper's vision for Atlanta, you can back their chosen candidates, if not, then don't.

But still, an editorial paragraph is sometimes the only thing written about a race during the whole campaign, especially one that isn't attracting much attention. Take the Atlanta school board race that Brenda Muhummed won. The AJC editorial writers probably knew that Chris Vaughn is a perennial candidate who has tried his hand up and down the ballot in DeKalb county and was now running in Atlanta. But did the people in the district know that? Perhaps a paragraph or two on the editorial page could have spread some light on that.

Overall, they really dropped the ball on that one. What is the use of a local paper if they won't even cover the local races even if it is just a paragraph of ink about what their editorial board thinks.

Posted by Chris at November 11, 2005 05:25 PM


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