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October 26, 2005

How Much Would You Pay?

Here's something I hear Democrats say a lot: I'd give anything to have Rove indicted. Well, how much is it worth to you? $100? If it is, open an account at InTrade, which is a futures betting market. And then what you want to do is short Karl Rove contracts, currently trading at 60%. (It is under the legal: indictments category).

Here's how it works ($100 example). You short $150 worth of Rove's contract to be indicted at 60%. When Rove is indicted, the contract becomes worth 100% and you have to buy it back for $250. So you sold $150 and bought back $250. Rove gets indicted and you lose $100. ($150 minus $250). If Rove doesn't get indicted, the repurchase price would be $0. So you'd actually make $150.

So either way, you win. You would either lose $100 but in return, Rove would get indicted. Or you would gain $150 but he wouldn't get indicted. The odds on Scooter Libby are even more in your favor! Bets away...

To summarize one more time:

ResultHow You FeelYour MoneySummary
IndictedHappyLost $100Good Times Aren't Free!
Not IndictedSadGain $150Compensated for Your Pain

Posted by Chris at October 26, 2005 02:20 PM


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